Be(ware) The Swallowing: Homoerotic Cannibalism in YELLOWJACKETS
Do I want to fuck you, be you, or eat you?

Be(ware) The Swallowing: Trypophobia
Exploring the fear of holes.

11 Entries In The Black Folk Horror Tradition
A Black Folk Horror watchlist.

CANDYMAN Turns 30: A Love Letter
Celebrating Bernard Rose's iconic film 30 years later.

THE KEEPER Comes Home: An Interview With The Creative Team Behind The New Graphic Novel
Tananarive Due, Steven Barnes, Marco Finnegan, and John Jennings discuss their new project

Be(ware) The Swallowing: Cults In SOCIETY And THE SACRAMENT
Approaching the cult as a devouring entity.

14 Films That Explore The Horrors Of Retail
Breaking down retail horrors from malls to grocery stores, a fashion house, and other spaces of commerce.

Be(ware) The Swallowing: Vagina Dentata in JAWS & TEETH
Stay out if you don’t want to get bit.

On NOPE, Impossibility, And The Sublime
How Jordan Peele’s third feature makes the impossible possible.

Celebrating 50 Years Of BLACULA
What we owe to William Crain, William Marshall, and the silver screen's first Black vampire.

Be(ware) The Swallowing: Cats In THE BLACK CAT And CAT PEOPLE
“In her hats are many bats, for spending all her dough on cats.”

Be(ware) The Swallowing: Goo Is Gonna Get You In The Blob And The Stuff
The sticky history of slime horror.

Be(ware) The Swallowing: Hungry Homes In THE TEXAS CHAIN SAW MASSACRE And HOUSE
Not all homes are haunted — some are hungry.

Be(ware) The Swallowing: Body Snatchers in SPELL, GET OUT, & HAIR WOLF
Diving into the realm of the interior with a consumption of the Self occurring at the psychic level.

MASTER Is About More Than White Terror: An Interview With Mariama Diallo
Injecting the Black gaze into the cinematic medium.