Snatched is a short film created as part of Hulu's Bite Size Halloween. The third season of the streamer's annual Halloween celebration showcasing "bite-sized" horror shorts, premiering October 1. 20th Digital Studio’s Bite Size Halloween is a series of stand-alone horror shorts ranging from the terrifying to the ridiculous.
Bite Size Halloween aims to amplify filmmaker voices while delivering entertaining thrills and chills, covering a wide variety of social and political topics. Michael Schwartz' Snatched features Tatiana Maslany (She-Hulk: Attorney-at-Law) in her first on-screen role with husband Brendan Hines (Locke & Key). Friend of Fango and Freaky star Misha Osherovich stars as their son and while the trio make for an idyllic suburban family portrait, something is definitely amiss here. I mean, just look at Mom's eyes!
Whatever is in store for Misha's character has gotta be at least three times worse than being grounded. So what's in store for us today? No trick, we have a special treat in the form of a sneak peek Snatched teaser for you. Check it out.
Did you see that comet-like thing fly by the window!? Followed by the image of a bloody baseball ominously bouncing into frame, with pleas of "you're hurting me" frantically repeated until they're cut short by a final scream. Creepy! Michael Schwartz, writer and director of Snatched says, "I was inspired to write Snatched this past Spring after reading public statements made by various politicians and corporate leaders regarding the “Don’t Say Gay” bill. They were filled with such hollow virtue signaling, devoid of any meaningful action, that after my initial reaction of shock and fear for the LGBTQ+ community, I couldn’t help but laugh."
Schwartz took the opportunity to use the feeling to fuel the script for Snatched. "On a day when the world felt particularly upside-down, I decided to write a story where everything was inverted. The result is this wild rollercoaster of a film – Disco Horror as I like to call it. We hope it provokes both outrageous laughter and meaningful conversation, prompting us to question what actions make us the most powerful allies."
The goal of 20th Digital Studio’s short film programs is to continue to guide and finance the growth of these artists’ careers and to develop some of the shorts into longer features. The first two films developed in this way will premiere in October on Hulu. Shorts from past seasons have played at festivals such as SXSW, Sundance, Tribeca, and Fantasia, just to name a few.
You can watch Snatched and the complete Huluween Bite Size Halloween lineup starting October 1st!