Becky (Lulu Wilson) is back and ready to take on a new gang of fascist lunatics in The Wrath of Becky. The sequel features glorious over-the-top violence and just premiered at SXSW in Austin, TX, to very positive reviews. The tone of Becky is a bit more serious as it deals with grief and trauma wrapped up in a Die Hard-esque violent escape, whereas The Wrath of Becky brings some comedic lightness to the story while still delivering some gnarly kills.
After the premiere, we sat down with Lulu Wilson (Becky) and the writer/directors of the movie, Matt Angel and Suzanne Coote, to discuss The Wrath of Becky.
FANGORIA: When I realized this was a sequel to Becky, I decided to rewatch the day of the premiere and make it a nice little double feature. The Wrath of Becky is super fun and a lot more comedic, and I can't wait for people to watch it. Lulu, how was it for you to come back and reprise your role as Becky?
Lulu Wilson: It was amazing. It was the opportunity that I was itching for, and I'm really obviously very, very happy and excited about this opportunity again and for people to see this. It was really nice and refreshing coming back into this character and knowing that I was going to be able to make it a little bit more of my own. I mean, Becky's already such a strong character, standing up by herself, but I was able to inject a little bit more of my personality now that she's older and she's been through it. Man, she's been through the wringer, so, I wanted to play with what I thought was happening within those two years and how that would affect her and just trauma and everything, how it's affecting her growing up and just developing as a human being and the way she processes things, views things and see things.
But now she's got this relationship with Elena. She's got some sort of family that she's found for herself. And she's still got Pac? Not Pac, Diego.
Suzanne Coote: Diego. Pac is the real name of the [canine] actor.
Lulu Wilson: Yes, Pac is the real dog. And she's still got that to protect, and she's been training this whole time. I presume it's been the whole two years since what happened originally, so it won't happen again. And if it does, she's ready.
Suzanne Coote: That's right.
This is just a peak of our interview from SXSW, we'll have the full interview for you closer to the release date. In the meantime, keep an eye on Fango for more news and updates on The Wrath of Becky.