IN SEARCH OF DARKNESS Needs Your Help To Explore The Best '90s Horror

Party like it's 1990-1994.

By Angel Melanson · @HorrorGirlProbs · August 3, 2023, 7:30 PM EDT

Good news for In Search of Darkness fans! The In Search of Darkness trilogy covers over fourteen hours of extensive '80s horror movie coverage, featuring icons like Robert Englund, Linnea Quigley, Tom Savini, Cassandra Peterson, Lloyd Kaufman, Kane Hodder, Bill Moseley, Geretta Geretta, Doug Bradley, John Carpenter, and more, along with new faces Adrienne Barbeau, Dee Wallace, Julie Brown, and Gene Simmons, just to name a few. The creators behind the behemoth documentary series are back, and this time they're taking us to the '90s! 1990-1994 to be exact, with their upcoming documentary In Search of Darkness: 1990 -1994.


There's a lot to cover, and CREATORVC needs your help. Horror fans are encouraged to go to to share their thoughts in an online survey and comment on the In Search of Darkness: 1990 -1994 synopsis. The creators are hoping to give fans as much a say in the collaborative process as possible, gathering fan insights, questions, and preferences to enhance the upcoming documentary and allow every horror fan to feel seen and heard. In Search of Darkness: 1990 -1994 survey participation ends Sept. 1, so get in on that while you can! Here's a peek at an excerpt from the synopsis (which you can read in full using the above link).

Three decades on, many look back at the ‘90s as an especially tough time frame for horror output. The filmmaking landscape in the first half of the decade collectively represented a period of transition, with general audiences beginning to show a change of appetite after having their fill of too many formulaic ‘80s slashers and name-brand franchises climbing towards double digits — and running out of fresh ideas. To some, the ‘90s is considered a “lost decade” for horror

In Search of Darkness writer and director David Weiner says, “After such a positive critical and fan response to our In Search of Darkness ‘80s trilogy, I am excited to dive into In Search of Darkness: 1990 -1994. The ‘90s was a decade of transition for horror, yet there is so much more creativity and imagination on display upon a closer look. With so many memorable genre films, miniseries, TV shows and topics of discussion available to tackle, I welcome constructive input from our vocal horror community to help spotlight the things that they are most excited to see in our documentary, which will be presented on-screen through interviews, clips and motion graphics with the same spirit and celebration on display in our ‘80s trilogy.”

Executive Producer Robin Block adds, “Horror fans, we hear you. At CREATORVC, we're not just making a documentary, we're crafting a love letter to '90s horror. Your passion fuels our mission to create the most definitive horror documentary ever. We're in this together, shaping the narrative of In Search of Darkness: 1990-1994. Let's dive deep into this transformative era and bring our shared horror fandom to life like never before.”


In Search of Darkness invites fan to explore the ‘90s with film icons and experts, stating: "The early ‘90s proved to be a tough transition time for horror films in the wake of an overabundance of genre output in the ‘80s. Horror was in search of a new identity. Some call it a “lost decade” of horror. We disagree. This was an exciting time for filmmaking that we cannot wait to explore in In Search of Darkness: 1990 -1994, the first part of two planned long-form documentaries exploring the pivotal final decade of the 20th century."

The documentary will feature over fifty exclusive interviews with horror film icons and experts diving into this intriguing “lost” era to share their observations, experiences, and analysis to help deconstruct, re-contextualize, and reframe this fascinating period in filmmaking history with the same reverence and energetic celebratory lens as the 14-hour FANGORIA Chainsaw Award and Rondo Hatten Classic Horror Awards nominated In Search of Darkness ‘80s trilogy.

Pre-orders for In Search of Darkness: 1990-1994 will kick off this October.