It's Official: SILENT HILL 2 Is Getting A Remake

And we've got the trailer to prove it.

By Scott Wampler · @ScottWamplerRIP · October 19, 2022, 5:39 PM EDT

Well, it would appear that the rumors were true: a full-on remake (not a remaster!) of Silent Hill 2 is headed our way, and the just-released trailer reveals one of the greatest horror games ever made looking better than ever.

Look, we know what you're here for, so let's just get to it:

This, gentle FANGORIA readers, is the very first trailer for Bloober Team's Silent Hill 2. If the name "Bloober Team" sounds familiar, that's likely because you've played one of the studio's other horror titles, like The Medium or Layers of Fear. If the name "Silent Hill 2" sounds familiar, well, that's likely because Silent Hill 2 is one of the scariest games ever made, not to mention also being the game that brought the iconic Pyramid Head into the world (if you don't know, don't ask).

The news was revealed today during a lengthy livestream conducted by Konami, which had a few other Silent Hill-related goodies to share (we've got a separate post coming up about one of those; do stand by) and also revealed that the Silent Hill 2 remake will also be exclusive to PC and PS5. Don't worry, though, XBOX owners: that exclusive only lasts for a year!

We are, of course, very excited about all things Silent Hill-related, but are particularly eager to get our hands on this one. There is, sadly, nothing further to report on the Silent Hill 2 remake at this time, but rest assured that we'll be keeping our ear to the ground for updates, and will relay them as soon as they roll in. Stay tuned!