Pencils Down Chainsaws Up: WGA Horror Writers Picket Line Did Not Disappoint

Michaels Myers And Flanagan, Mick Garris, and more joined Rebekah McKendry for a horrific afternoon.

By Angel Melanson · @HorrorGirlProbs · June 1, 2023, 6:31 PM EDT
WGA Strike Michael Myers
Photo courtesy of Joe Russo.

FANGORIA alum, Colors of the Dark podcast co-host, and writer/director Dr. Rebekah McKendry joined forces with Andrew Lobel and WGA West to organize a horror writers strike event. The call: Pencils down, chainsaws up! And let's just say, these folks understood the assignment. Everyone from Mick Garris to Mike Flanagan marched outside Warner Bros Wednesday afternoon for a "marvelously macabre" picket.

You'll see some familiar (masked and unmasked) faces on the picket line. McKendry says, "I'm a member of the WGA and all of the reasons that we are striking are so valid." A sentiment shared by droves (Fango Fam included!). The distribution model is rapidly changing and the contracts aren't keeping up, writers are seeing laughable residual checks because of it. "None of us are able to work, but it is all for such a good cause when you get those residual checks for six bucks, you feel it. There have been moments where I will suddenly see one of my films pop up on Hulu and I'm like, didn't know that was there. No one's paid me for it."

"I wave to everybody walking past, it is such a close-knit, beautiful family that we have here. Andrew and I just wanted a way to bring everybody together for a day. Come out, fly our horror colors and show that we're here."

WGA West Horror Writers Strike
Judie Aronson, Mike Flanagan, Mick Garris, Joe Russo, Axelle Carolyn, Alejandro Brugués, and Josh Ruben. Photo courtesy of Joe Russo.

The Writers Guild of America has been on strike since May 2 because the AMPTP refuses to negotiate a fair deal. For more information on the strike and WGA Contract 2023, check out their official website.

Fango's very own Cory McCullough was on site, marching in solidarity and met a few familiar friends along the way. Check out this message from Leigh Whannell.

@fangoria ♬ original sound - Fangoria

And check out some of the photos sent in from our fiends below.