Steven Soderbergh's Presence has been one of the more heavily buzzed-about offerings at this year's Sundance Film Festival. A classic ghost story told from the point of view of the ghost (you heard us), the film's creepiness and intensity were apparently too much for certain Sundance attendees, who walked out of the film and generated headlines in the process. Obviously, we're excited to see it as soon as humanly possible.
Good news on that front: according to a new report over at Deadline, Soderbergh's Presence has been picked up for distribution by the good folks at NEON, who already have a slew of exciting horror titles headed our way throughout 2024 (including Tilman Singer's Cuckoo and Oz Perkins' Longlegs). Deadline doesn't specify how much NEON laid out for Soderbergh's latest, but does not that there were 10 bidders in the mix, indicating that they must've offered something pretty sweet to score this one.
So what's Presence about, beyond the fact that it's told from the ghost's POV? Says Deadline:
"In Presence, a family moves into a suburban house and becomes convinced they are not alone. A supernatural force has infiltrated the house, and taken a specific interest in the couple’s daughter. The picture is shot entirely in a single location, which creates the haunting mood sought by the filmmakers."
At present, there's no word on when we might actually get to see Presence, but it seems safe to assume that it'll be along sometime in 2024, and further safe to assume that it might hit theaters somewhere within the so-called "spooky season." Don't be surprised if this one shows up at Fantastic Fest and Beyond Fest, in other words.
Nothing further to report on Presence at this time, but do stay tuned for further updates as they roll in.