In director Just Philippot's upcoming Netflix horror movie, The Swarm (La nuée), a frustrated locust breeder and single mother can't seem to get her locusts to reproduce. That is until a chance accident leads her to discover these insects have a taste for blood. It's like a swarm of millions of mini Audrey IIs, but at the very least it's for a good cause, right? The locust breeder is trying to use the locusts to save her farm, her family and to solve an impending food shortage problem. Judging from this trailer we are more than a little worried the tables turn, and not in favor of humans. The Swarm will be swarming to Netflix August 6.
If you're looking for some wriggly insect fare to tide you over this weekend, we've got you covered: Diana Prince's Top-Ten Creepy Crawlies In Horror.
Check out the trailer for this French horror movie below. It looks like Netflix will be offering both dubbed and subtitled versions: