
Howl At The Moon Alongside The First BLACKOUT Trailer

In which Larry Fessenden's werewolf movie shows off some of the goods.


Larry Fessenden's BLACKOUT Puts The Fang In FANGORIA #22

The indie legend's latest lets a lycanthrope loose on our winter newsstand cover!

1. Alex Hurt in Larry Fessenden's BLACKOUT_photo Bahram Foroughi for Glass Eye Pix

Larry Fessenden's Werewolf Horror BLACKOUT Is Inching Closer To Our Eyeballs

The next entry in the HABIT director's monsterverse will hit the festival circuit later this year.

1. Alex Hurt in Larry Fessenden's BLACKOUT_photo Bahram Foroughi for Glass Eye Pix

Exclusive Photo And Comments: Larry Fessenden Heads Into Werewolf Territory With BLACKOUT

"It's got more blood than all of my other films combined, probably."