
And Now, An Intimate Conversation With Josh Ruben

In which the director of SCARE ME and WEREWOLVES WITHIN goes Into The Void.


2022 Chainsaw Awards Nominees For Best Limited Release Movie

Prepare your voting thumbs.

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Exclusive: A Conversation With Josh Ruben and Mishna Wolff Of WEREWOLVES WITHIN!

We get the hot Beaverfield goss straight from the wolves' mouth(s)

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Speaking with Harvey Guillén from the recent ensemble horror comedy.

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Mishna Wolff On Writing WEREWOLVES WITHIN

Where Wolff? Here Wolff!

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New WEREWOLVES WITHIN Trailer Asks Who's Packing

The answer is everyone. Welcome to Beaverfield!

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See The Teaser Trailer And Poster For WEREWOLVES WITHIN!

Josh Ruben's take on the Ubisoft VR game is getting a lot of attention. Take your first look!